Spread Your Roots


Spread Roots

Welcome to Soil and Seed!



Ahhh… you might think. A gardening blog: a place to land and linger, inspired by hope-filled visions of luxurious abundance just outside your window. A place where you can almost smell the sweetness of the dirt under your finger nails, taste the bead of salty sweat on your lip, and anticipate contentedly surveying the finished carpet of blooms, or heavy vines of harvest. Well… maybe. Certainly like any new plot of land, this blog will transform over time from sparse to lush. There’ll be weeding, transplanting, fertilizing, composting, tending the soil, watering, and so on.

Friends, this blog is my first ever, and in its parcels and plots, I hope to share my love of the One who created the garden, and who invites me to partner in its tending, and especially that of my garden within.

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